
How does a FlexVNF appliance allow SSH access over vni-x/x interfaces?


Follow these steps to configure ssh access for an appliance from a specific IP/subnet over a specific managed port.

  1. Login to Versa Director.
  2. Navigate to Appliance Context > Configurations, and select a branch.
  3. Navigate to Others  > System > Configuration.
  4. Click button of VNF Manager pane.
    The Edit VNF Manager window is displayed.

  5. Click the button of the IP Address/Prefix pane, and add an IP address/prefix.
    To delete an entry, click the  button.
    NOTE: This is a mandatory field.
  6. Click the of the Interfaces pane, and select an interface from the drop-down box.
    To delete an entry, click the  button.
  7. Click OK.