By default, the timeseries API provides a different number of data points depending on the date range between start-date and end-date.

The resolution is,

- 5 or 15min for date range below 48 hours

- 1 hour for date range between 48 hours and 7 days

- 1 day for date range beyond 7 days

This is done for readability, performance, and scaling reasons.

You can however force the resolution you need using &gap=<gap> parameter:

- &gap=1MINUTE    (display per 5 or 15min based on your configuration*)

- &gap=1HOUR

- &gap=1DAY



* gap=1MINUTE is a keyword. Data will be rendered per 5, 15, 30min or so based on your configuration.

To change it, go to Admin tab > Settings > Data Configurations

Only newly ingested data will be affected by the new resolution.

We recommend using 15min resolutions when possible for performance, scalability, and disk usage reason.

5min can be used for more critical reports.