- Question:
- Case1: URL strings match
- Case2: Regex pattern match
- Case3: Complex regex pattern match
- Pattern Test:
- URL-Category Cache Must be enabled
How to use url string and regex pattern match in URL filtering
In Versa flexvnf, URL based traffic filtering can be done based on url string or pattern match.
To match based on url string, define the exact url. e.g.
Case1: URL strings match
Incases where url filtering is based on pattern,we need to use regex to match url string, e.g .*facebook.*
(.*<string>.*) for url string
IMP NOTE: We use standard regex pattern and it is recommended to defined strict pattern match, else it may cause similar url's strings to match defined patterns.
Case2: Regex pattern match
Case3: Complex regex pattern match (\w*\.)microsoftonline\.com(\/.*)"
NOTE:- Tested on 21.2.3
admin@SDWAN-Branch3-cli(config)% show orgs org-services Tenant1 url-filtering user-defined-url-categories { URL_with_Blackslash { urls { patterns "(\w*\.)microsoftonline\.com(\/.*)" { reputation trustworthy; } }
Pattern Test:
Open public site as or can be used to validate the url string match to defined regex pattern.
Defined pattern .*kp.* to match all north korean domain but its matching non korean domain url strings.
Correct pattern .*(\.kp)($|\/.*) to match all and only north korean domains.
URL-Category Cache Must be enabled to the IP address resolution/match to happen
Also please make sure to configure DNS at the System Level as shown in the snippet below: