It was reported by one of the customers they had a very loaded SDWAN device, and SPACK update showed as failed because verification script times out after 5 minutes of waiting for successful update:

Actual installation went through, but it took more than 5 minutes and that is why cli output shows "Failed" message.

To fix the problem we can increase the timeout value from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.

For this, run the following command on the VOS™ (FlexVNF):

sed -i "s/FLEXSPACK_DEF_DP_INSTALL_TMO.*/FLEXSPACK_DEF_DP_INSTALL_TMO\t= 10 * 60 # 10 Minutes/" /opt/versa/python/spackmgr/

Or from the Director's CLI:

ssh  -i /var/versa/vnms/ncs/homes/admin/.ssh/id_dsa [email protected] 'sed -i "s/FLEXSPACK_DEF_DP_INSTALL_TMO.*/FLEXSPACK_DEF_DP_INSTALL_TMO\t= 10 * 60 # 10 Minutes/" /opt/versa/python/spackmgr/'

Where is the management IP address of the branch device.


NOTE: You need to do "vsh restart" for the change to take effect.