Uploading logs to the SCP portal

Please follow the below procedure to upload the logs to the SCP portal.

Note: Please click on the images/screenshots, presented in this article, to enlarge them

Disclaimer: SCP portal will not work on browsers


Line chart

Description automatically generated with medium confidence



Server IP:scp.versa-networks.com
Username :13XXX


Procedure 1: Uploading logs via WINSCP

*File Protocol should be SFTP not SCP


Procedure 2: Uploading logs via Ubuntu Shell

You can upload the logs from Versa Director or any other ubuntu machine(that should have Internet access).


admin@C-LAB3VD1:~$ sftp [email protected]

The authenticity of host 'scp.versa-networks.com (' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:m1tqtG/oY+GtLMNB7PRSURtVZ1ebGQXLdppaEKNlgBo.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added 'scp.versa-networks.com,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

[email protected]'s password:

Connected to scp.versa-networks.com.


sftp>  put /tmp/versa-support-dump-2024-Oct-19-173517.tgz

Uploading /tmp/versa-support-dump-2024-Oct-19-173517.tgz to /files/versa-support-dump-2024-Oct-19-173517.tgz

/tmp/versa-support-dump-2024-Oct-19-173517.tgz                                                         100%  220MB  55.6MB/s   00:03




*Make sure that DNS configured to resolve the FQDN to IP address

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated


Procedure 3: Uploading logs from FlexVNF.

To upload the logs from the Flex, You need a valid internet link. Since the FQDN of scp.versa-networks.com will not work in the CLI scp command, instead you can use the resolved IP address.

>nslookup scp.versa-networks.com

Server:  UnKnown


Non-authoritative answer:

Name:    scp.versa-networks.com


admin@MK-BO9-cli> scp routing-instance INET1-Transport-VR file /tmp/test.txt server username 1376xx password XJ9hti/ZBxxx

 > Copying /tmp/test.txt to remote host

 > Adding datapath filter

 > Switching to INET1-Transport-VR netns

[] upload: /tmp/test.txt -> /files/test.txt

       68 B / 68 B (100.00%), duration:         00s, avg:  10.18 KiB/s

 > Switching back to global netns

 > Removing datapath filter

 > Remote copy successful

 > Switching back to global netns

[ok][2024-12-17 04:36:55]