****Please check with support to review the use case before trying the below steps****
On the old Director:
1) Create a Manual Directory under /var/tmp/
mkdir /var/tmp/manual-backup-Jul-12-2014
2) Copy CDB Files into the above manual backup folder
cp /var/versa/vnms/ncs/data/ncs/cdb/* /var/tmp/manual-backup-Jul-12-2014/
3) Take Back of PSQL database
a. Take the back of vnms database
cd /var/tmp/manual-backup-Jul-12-2014
pg_dump -U vnms -h localhost -Fc -C -b -d vnms -f vnms.dump
b. Take the back of netbox database
pg_dump -U vnms -h localhost -Fc -C -b -d netbox -f netbox.dump
4) Back up Director Public key
cp /var/versa/vnms/data/conf/*.key /var/tmp/manual-backup-Jul-12-2014/
5) Back up the ssh Key for ncs admin user to log into Devices
cp -r /var/versa/vnms/ncs/homes/admin/ /var/tmp/manual-backup-Jul-12-2014/
6) Tar the folder and scp the tarred file out
cd ..
tar -cvf manual-backup-Jul-12-2014.tar manual-backup-Jul-12-2014/*
Restore Steps on a new Director:
1) Stop the Versa services on the new Director.
vsh stop
2) SCP the manual-backup-Jul-12-2014.tar file from older director to the new director's /var/tmp/
3) Goto the /var/tmp/ folder
cd /var/tmp/
4) Untar the file:
tar -xvf manual-backup-Jul-12-2014.tar
5) Open the file:
cd manual-backup-Jul-12-2014/
6) Copy cdb files:
sudo cp *.cdb /var/versa/vnms/ncs/data/ncs/cdb/
7) Copy the keys:
cd /admin/.ssh/
sudo -u versa cp -v * /var/versa/vnms/ncs/homes/admin/.ssh/
8) Restore the keys:
cd /var/tmp/manual-backup-Jul-12-2014/
sudo -u versa cp -v *.key /var/versa/vnms/data/conf/
sudo chown versa:versa /var/versa/vnms/data/conf/*.key
9) Restore the postgres date.
cd /var/tmp/manual-backup-Jul-12-2014
sudo service versa-postgresql start
Make sure the POSTGRE is running.
admin@Director:.../tmp/manual-backup-Jul-12-2014$ vsh status
NCS[4.7.10] [Not Running]
POSTGRE[15.3] [Running]
NETBOX-IPAM [Not Running]
SPRING-BOOT [Not Running]
REDIS[6.2.6] [Not Running]
APACHE TOMCAT/9.0.83 [Not Running]
sudo -u postgres pg_restore -Fc -c --if-exists -C -d postgres netbox.dump
10) How to check if netbox data in intack post this migration?
Run the below and you should see something like below.
psql -U vnms -h localhost -d netbox -c "select * from ipam_prefix;"
admin@Director:.../tmp/manual-backup-Jul-12-2014$ psql -U vnms -h localhost -d netbox -c "select * from ipam_prefix;"
id | created | last_updated | family | prefix | status | description | role_id | site_id | vlan_id | vrf_id | tenant_id | is_pool
1 | 2023-07-29 | 2023-07-29 11:47:22.672282-07 | 4 | | 1 | | | | | 1 | | t
(1 row)
11) Now restore the vnms database.
sudo -u postgres pg_restore -v -Fc -c --if-exists -C -d postgres vnms.dump
12) How to verify the vnms migration succeeded?
psql -U vnms -h localhost -c "select count (*) from appliance;"
admin@Director:.../tmp/manual-backup-Jul-12-2014$ psql -U vnms -h localhost -c "select count (*) from appliance;"
(1 row)
13) How to start the Director services?
sudo service versa-director start
Finally Generate the Cert and Sync it with the Director: https://docs.versa-networks.com/Management_and_Orchestration/Versa_Director/Configuration/Create_and_Manage_Certificates