This article explains troubleshooting steps for branch reachability :
1. Ping branch management IP from director and vice-versa. If ping is successful, then move to step 7.
Branch management IP can found under appliance tab in VD GUI
2. Check the route for subnet or branch subnet.
3. Additionally, we can enable tcpdump on eth1 matching branch IP to check if ICMP packets are being sent/received.
4. On controller, Director southbound interface subnet is imported in control-vr using instance-import policy. Check if this route is getting advertised to branch vi BGP or not.
5. On controller, check if reverse route is being leaked into Provider-VR.
6. On Branch, check if VD subnet is being received or not.
7. If Director to Branch reachability is fine but branch device is refusing ssh connection from VD.
For example below:
8. Check if port 2022 open in branch device or not.
9. Check VD southbound IP is mentioned in vnf-mananger. (if director are in HA then mentioned both director’s southbound IP)
10. After configuring above, execute below command to fetch ssh keys which confirms ssh connectivity is fine.