Please look to ensure that the available disk spack is at-least around 6 G
check "df -kh" on shell to ascertain the available disk space
To clear up disk space, please follow the below procedure
Login to the shell of the device and enter sudo mode
sudo su
Delete the core files
cd /var/tmp/versa-cores
du -ch . <<< this is will show the total volume occupied by core files
rm -rf *
Delete any unwanted packages (ideally you should just have one package available which is the current one)
cd /home/versa/packages
ls -lrth <<<<<<<<<< this will list all the packages
rm -rf <file-name> << to remove redundant packages (please don't delete the package that was used for the current install)
rm -rf <directory-name> << if there are any unwanted directories here
Delete redundant spacks
On the cli check the current spack install "show security security-package information" << make a note of the current version
cd /opt/versa/etc/spacks/downloads
ls -lrth <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this will list all the downloads
rm -rf <file-name> <<<<<<< remove any spacks other than the currentt version
cd /opt/versa/etc/spacks/installed
ls -lrth <<<<<<<<<<< this will list the installed versions (directory)
rm -rf <directory-name> <<< put in the directory name of the version that's not currently being used
Delete techsupport files
cd /tmp
ls -lrth <<< look for all the techsupport files
rm -rf <file-name> <<< remove all techsupport files