Okta IDP Integration with Versa Director
This is IDP/SP initiated SSO setup because we selected the “All" option in the “SSO Initiated filed” hence we can login into multiple applications from both either IDP (or) SP. (In this setup-only one Versa -Director application is present)
- IDP(okta)
- SP(Service Provider –In this case Versa Director )
1.How to login using IDP initiated SSO
Step 1.1: Login into okta with your individual account credentials.
On the below setup only 3 users are present:
[email protected](System User) ,[email protected]( Tenant User), [email protected](Tenant User)
Step 1.2 : Go to My Settings > Work >Application(In this case Versa Director)
After clicking on the specific application you will be redirected to a specific application without giving credentials one more time.
2. How to login using SP initiated SSO

- If you are system user then select “System users” options and If you are a tenant user then enter organization name and then click login
User will be then redirected to okta login page , Enter your credentials and then you will be redirected to the application (Versa-Director)
3. Difference between Sign-out type: Local and IDP
Local: If any user logout from application and sign-out type “local” is set then still IDP(okta) session will be there and user can login again with the existing session without entering the credentials again.
IDP: If any user logout from the application and sign-out type “IDP” is set then IDP session also gets logout and user need to login again and enter credentials again.
4. Troubleshooting
4.1: After login by IDP/SP,if we are getting the below error, then we need to make sure VD Clock is in sync with standard time.
For example :
admin@Rajvandani-VD-01:~$ sudo date +%T -s "21:58">>>>>command to change clock time on VD.
- Also check below error in springboot logs on Director
admin@Rajvandani-VD-01:.../vnms/spring-boot$ cat vnms-spring-rest.log vnms-spring-boot.log
[28-Oct-2021 19:26:21.080][ERROR][https-jsse-nio-9183-exec2][com.versa.vnms.core.sso.saml.SAMLLoginResponseParser] Exception while validating response
java.lang.Exception: Timing issues. Possible reasons include: SAML expired, service's clock setting is not UTC.
at com.versa.vnms.core.sso.saml.SAMLLoginResponseParser.isValid(SAMLLoginResponseParser.java:120)
4.2: Not able to change the Sign-out type to IDP from local.
- We need to make sure “ Single sign out URL” has been configured in SAML integration profile and “Enable Single Logout URL” knob is enabled.
- In the meta data configuration Signout URL must be present.
Administrator@Rajvandani-VD-01% show system sso
settings {
default-idp-connector Okta-SSO;
is-single-idp-connector false;
idp-connector Okta-SSO {
idpname OKTA;
sso-type saml;
single-signon-url https://dev-37229589.okta.com/app/dev-37229589_rajvandaniversadirectorprimarysystemusers_1/exk2dgtz43MryCAvY5d7/sso/saml;
single-signout-url https://dev-37229589.okta.com/app/dev-37229589_rajvandaniversadirectorprimarysystemusers_1/exk2dgtz43MryCAvY5d7/slo/saml;
idp-entity-id http://www.okta.com/exk2dgtz43MryCAvY5d7;
sp-entity-id http://versa-networks.com/sp;
auth-context-comparision exact;
saml-client vd-ui {
is-enabled true;
sso-initiated-type all;
signout-type idp;
email email;
role role;
org org;
idle-time-out IdleTimeOut;
[ok][2021-10-31 13:38:16]
5. How to add application in okta
Step 5.1: Go to Applications > Create App Integration
Step 5.2 : Select SAML2.0
Step 5.3: Enter the Application name
Step 5.4 : Configure SAML setting as given below
Default Relay State: Per application, we can set only one relay state
If the customer want IDP initiated SSO for system users, then the relay state is vd-ui:: system. If it is for tenant users, then the relay state is vd-ui::{Tenant Name}.
Example of SAML settings
Step 5.5 : Complete Feedback
Step 5.6: How to add a new user
- Go to Directory > People
7: How to assign user authentication to an application
- Go to Applications -----> Click on the specific application which you have created
- Click on Assign >Assign to People
- Click on Assign for respective user
- Configure all the attributes
- NOTE: For tenant users attributes org, role and Idle-timeout are mandatory, for System users org is not needed, role and idle-timeout are mandatory
Example of system user :
Note: For "SAML" Type - Okta, SSO cert expiring under the path "/var/versa/vnms/data/certs/vnms_sso_public.crt" should not impact the functionality of the SSO Login.